NEWSLETTER We are delighted to share the latest updates from the project “Addressing the gap in multidisciplinary cooperation to enhance the protection of victims’rights”...
Today, on 10 December, also known as International Human Rights Day, the Italian Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights (CILD) has published the report...
– Sara Gherardi During the 48th session of the Universal Periodic Review (UPR), the UN Human Rights Council will assess particular countries under review...
NEWSLETTER Enhance the knowledge and skills of legal professionals and other stakeholders in using strategic litigation to enforce the rights of persons with disabilities...
by Fabi Fugazza Yesterday heralded big changes within the constitutions of several American states, while expectations of a resounding Republican midterm election resurgence after...
On 2 December, the Committee of Ministers of the Council of Europe officially closed the supervisory procedure for the implementation of measures ordered in the Khlaifia v. Italy judgment. of the European Court of Human Rights. ASGI, A Buon Diritto and...
The Project Training lawyers, prosecutors, judges to ensure better rights protection for migrants and refugees victims of human trafficking (TRAIN PRO RIGHTS), financed by...
TRAIN PRO RIGHTS: CILD’s transnational training on the rights of unaccompanied children victims of human trafficking As part of the project Training lawyers, prosecutors,...
Our Coalition, in collaboration with Antigone, is currently carrying out the project “Stranieri in carcere (Foreigners in Prison)”. Its core focuses are to provide...
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