The European project ‘LITIS’ has started – first newsletter online

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Enhance the knowledge and skills of legal professionals and other stakeholders in using strategic litigation to enforce the rights of persons with disabilities (LITIS) is a transnational project implemented by Association Pro Refugiu (Romania); University of Bucharest (Romania), University of Salamanca (Spain) and Italian Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights. LITIS is implemented between March 2024 – December 2025 with the financial support of the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV).

The project aims to enhance the protection of the rights of persons with disabilities; to allow people with disabilities to enjoy all rights provided for in the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights as well as those stipulated in other European and international legislative instruments; to facilitate access to effective judicial protection through strategic litigation when persons with disabilities are subjected to multiple and intersectional discrimination.

The project intends to enhance the knowledge of legal professionals working for civil society organisations, human rights institutes, equality bodies, Ombudsman institution, lawyers and other rights defenders, in connection with strategic litigation, the use of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights and other EU and international legislative acts in order to protect the rights of persons with disabilities; to strengthen the cooperation between national stakeholders in order to tackle multiple and intersectional discrimination that affects persons with disabilities.

The project has four work-packages with multiple activities

  • Implementation of task force meetings for legal professionals and other rights defenders from Romania, Italy and Spain, in order to exchange information, transfer of know-how about how to litigate on behalf of persons with disabilities at national and European level, share successful experiences in strategic litigation and other actions to advance human rights and justice.
  • Development of a compendium of case law summaries and a handbook on strategic litigation in cases of multiple and intersectional discrimination concerning persons with disabilities.
  • Implementation of 5 national and 2 transnational trainings for a total of 142 legal professionals and practitioners from civil society organisations, human rights institutes, equality bodies, bars associations, Ombudsman institution and other rights defenders from Romania, Italy and Spain, to deepen their knowledge and awareness about strategic litigation and how national, European and international legislative acts can intersect and complement each other, and how the legislative framework can be used as best as possible to protect persons with disabilities against multiple, intersectional discrimination and other human rights violations.
  • Online and offline dissemination activities targeting at least 300 stakeholders and 25.000 social media users.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.