messages and stories of humanity, hope and opportunity

negative narratives which aim to undermine social cohesion

to communicate more persuasively across diverse stakeholders groups

at the heart of the creation of persuasive communications

discourse by uplifting emerging voices and those that go unheard
We create connections between people and organisations, including 1-to-1 mentoring as well as a Community of Practice, and provide training and resources around strategic communication and related frameworks/methodologies.
We facilitate collaboration and alignment of purpose and strategy amongst civil society organisations and institutions across sectors.
We want to help civil society organisations to capture the hearts and minds of an increasingly fearful public through storytelling and narrative building, to spread hope and promote the untold opportunity which exists amongst the uncertainty and chaos of recent world events. This will encourage and enable policy and societal change.
Building support for the School Child Reform in Italy

A message guide to change the citizenship narrative and supporto the reform in Italy
From King Midas to Gold Prospecting: How to Argue More Effectively Online

We are all born arguers. In this article, Bruno Mastroianni discusses how to argue more effectively online.
Aligned sector collaboration catapults narrative and structural change

To create systemic change, a ‘sustained campaign to increase the capacity and coordination of an entire field, together with greater public awareness and … stronger government policies’ is needed - Fabi Fugazza explains more.
Running a Campaign Clinic

A Campaign Clinic is a structured, time-constrained process for generating new ideas for a “stuck” campaign. This guide allows you to discover how to run one, step-by-step.
A Brilliant Way of Living Our Lives: How to Talk About Human Rights

Using language data from advocacy, opposition, political speech and popular culture, Anat Shenker-Osorio analyses why certain messages resonate.
Testing Your Communications

Testing makes your campaigns more likely to succeed. This guide will help you to test your messages and is designed for beginner campaigners.
More in Common & Ipsos on the Undecided Middle

The research of More in Common invites us to communicate with that “undecided centre” - in Italy the majority - which has been excluded until now and for this reason is “silent and not listened to”.
How to Talk About Human Rights During COVID-19

A Liberties’ guide to values-based framing in communications, for those who will address policymakers/the public during the COVID-19 emergency.
Winning the narrative

How to counter populist rhetoric by uncovering new and positive narratives of the diverse migrating world and civil society
Community of practice

Our Community of Practice connects civil society organisations and the professionals who work within them with each other, encouraging connection, networking, and collaboration amongst those keen to implement a superior strategic communication approach in their organisations. The Community will be brought together by events and up-to-date best practice in strategic communications for civil society organisations will be disseminated via our Narrative Lab newsletter.
Strategic Advice
Applying strategies, frameworks and expert advice can be challenging on your own – this is why the Narrative Lab offers specialised 1-to-1 assistance for Community of Practice members who need a helping hand implementing new communications strategies. Contact us to set up your 1-to-1 session with a strategic communications expert.