About us
Freedoms and civil rights are intimately connected. They are interdependent and indivisible. Through their promotion and protection, one contributes to the establishment of a stronger, more cohesive and equal society.
We are all free because we are all the same and yet, at the same time, different.
Freedom is self-determination. Freedom is the recognition of one’s own identity. Freedom is integration. Freedom never comes into conflict with equality.
In Italy, we have gone through a long period of time in which certain kinds of language, practices and political choices based on random circumstances and concepts of public nuisance have prevailed but which, thankfully, have put civil freedoms and human rights into perspective.
On this basis — which has profound cultural, political and social foundations — a large number of Italian civil society organizations decided to give life to CILD: the Italian Coalition for Civil Rights and Freedoms.
We are involved in many important issues and all are precipitated by the same political logic and cultural background:
1. The fight against racism and xenophobia including our disagreement with every form of discrimination based on sexuality or gender and the overcoming of all prejudice as regards the Roma, Sinti and Caminanti.
2. A change of perspective on immigration; seeing it not as a question of criminality but in terms of the right to asylum and our duty to welcome refugees up through the expansion of citizenship.
3: The construction of a penal and penitentiary system which is less random and more respectful of rights, with the legalisation of drugs as an ethical choice in direct response to what we consider criminal policies.
4. Our participation as citizens in a public system that is respectful of privacy and not obsessed with mass surveillance while fighting against corruption and for transparency in the public administration.
Establishing a true coalition means that not a single part loses its individual identity. On the contrary: the many associations that have given life to the Coalition for Civil Liberties and Rights are united in enriching this vision of an open society and one that is more respectful of the rights of all. We desire to expand people’s knowledge, civil identity and awareness of their rights.
We will speak with Italian and European institutions and the media while at the same time confronting public opinion and all that such entails, the fears as well as the hopes, the prejudices as well as the dreams of all. Because defending and recognising civil rights means constructing a better society.
Control body
24marzo Onlus (24March) is inspired by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which recognises equal dignity to all members of the human family and their rights – equal and inalienable – which are the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. This association aims to promote respect for fundamental human rights, dignity and the intrinsic worth of the person, including through judicial protection, and encourages social progress and a better standard of living in a context of the freedom of communities.
Their website is http://www.24marzo.it/
Founded by Luigi Manconi in 2001, A Buon Diritto aims to promote public issues related to rights provided for by Italian law but which have been insufficiently protected, obstructed or delayed.
Visit the official site: www.abuondiritto.it
An NGO for rights and provisions in the penal and penitentiary system, Antigone was founded in 1991. Named after the eponymous academic review, it arose in response to the state of emergency affecting the prison system and was launched – among others – by Massimo Cacciari, Stefano Rodotà, Mauro Palma and Rossana Rossanda. Its work is focused on human rights, justice and prisons.
Visit the official site: www.associazioneantigone.it
Heir to a long cooperative tradition and history of working-class and anti-Fascist movements that contributed to the establishment and consolidation of Italian constitutional democracy, ARCI is a large non-profit association with 5,000 local affiliates and over a million members. It is made up of men and women who have freely chosen to work for emancipation through self-organization and participation.
Visit the official site: www.arci.it
ARCO, the Association for Research and Treatment of Urticaria (Hives), was founded in July 2018 through the initiative of a group of volunteer patients to create a referral organisation for the autoimmune pathology of Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria (CSU) in Italy and to promote research and treatment for all forms of urticaria (vasculitic, cholinergic and physical). From the beginning, ARCO has actively advocated with institutions to have the severity of the condition recognised appropriately and to make accessible the therapies indicated by the international guidelines on urticaria, which are administered all over the world, except in Italy.
Their website is https://www.associazione-arco.org/
Arcigay is a non-profit association founded in 1985 that operates across the country through local committees and affiliates with the aim of achieving equality among people regardless of their sexual orientation and/or gender identity.
Visit the official site: www.arcigay.it
Founded by a pool of attorneys, legal experts and academics with the aim of creating awareness on all legal aspects of immigration, over the years the Association for Juridical Studies on Immigration has provided contributions on immigration, asylum and citizenship at a national and European level through advocating for the rights of foreign nationals in political debates as well as institutions.
Visit the official site: www.asgi.it
A non-profit organization dedicated to the rights of the Roma and Sinti communities in Italy mainly through the protection of the rights of children and the fight against all forms of discrimination and intolerance. It is recorded in the Registry of NGOs created by UNAR (National Office Against Racial Discrimination).
Visit the official site: www.21luglio.org
A non-profit organization founded in 2004 by volunteer attorneys particularly sensitive to issues of fundamental rights in the practice of law together with private institutions, it provides help at various levels–free legal assistance, the promotion of “strategic causes”, legal training for volunteers and operators–while campaigning for socially relevant issues.
Visit the official site: www.avvocatiperniente.it/
Bambini Senza Sbarre (Children Without Bars) defends the rights of children to the continuity of the emotional bond during the detention of a parent. The association carries out training and research in collaboration with Universities and with the Ministry of Justice. Bambini Senza Sbarre is a board member of the Children of Prisoners Europe network. It is also active in Italy with the Spazio Giallo (Yellow Space) reception model. It refers to the education system of the Ecole Relais Enfants Parents in Paris. In 2014 the association signed the first charter of the rights of the children of parents detained in Europe with the Minister of Justice and the the national Ombudsman Authority for Childhood and Adolescence. It is a consultant member of Ecosoc (UN).
The website: https://www.bambinisenzasbarre.org/
The association Certi Diritti (an affiliate of the Radical Party) was founded at the Rome office of the European Parliament in March 2008 as a centre for non-violent political and juridical initiatives advocating for civil rights, responsibility and individual sexual freedom. Since 2012 it has been one of the constituent elements of the Nonviolent Radical Party, Transnational and Transparty.
Visit the official site: www.certidiritti.org
The Italian Council for Refugees (CIR) is an independent humanitarian organization founded in 1990 in Italy, at the initiative of the United Nations.
It works to promote access to the protection of people fleeing war and persecution and to help build conditions of dignified integration, in full respect of human rights.
It operates on a national and European level as well as in North Africa, in coordination with other civil society organizations, through a network of legal professionals, social workers, cultural mediators, doctors and psychologists.
In 25 years, the CIR has assisted over 120 thousand people, and helped to approximately 4,000 victims of torture.
Visit the official site: http://www.cir-onlus.org/it/
A movement for civic participation founded in 1978 working for the promotion and protection of citizen and consumer rights in Italy (with 20 local affiliates and about 250 local assemblies) and Europe. Since 2000 it has been recognized by the National Council of Consumers and Users (chaired by the Ministry of Economic Development) as a consumer association.
Visit the official site: www.cittadinanzattiva.it
Cittadini del Mondo works to oppose all forms of discrimination and social exclusion, to fight all forms of racism and to achieve the equal treatment of immigrants by promoting knowledge and the interaction of different peoples and cultures through actively supporting the integration of foreign citizens into Italian society. It also operates in the field of cooperation with developing countries.
Visit the official site: www.associazionecittadinidelmondo.it
Forum Droghe is a national association for social promotion founded in 1995. It is fighting for the reform of public drug policies beginning with the new social representation of both drugs and drug-users. The group’s objective is to curtail the penal approach to this issue and to support normalization instead, which in turn leads to users’ social integration.
Visit the official site: www.fuoriluogo.it
Lunaria is a non-religious, non-profit association with no political affiliation, which was created in 1992. Through research, training and communication it works on issues relating to a fair economy and the third sector, migration and globalization and democracy and participation while also promoting international volunteer initiatives. Inspired by principles of justice and social solidarity, democratic participation in the life of the community and the defense of civil, social and human rights at a national as well as international level, Lunaria is active in experimenting with new models of active participation and social transformation.
Visit the official site: www.lunaria.org
The first independent Jewish LGBT organization in Italy, affiliated to the World Congress of LGBT Jews (Keshet Ga’avah), the world network connecting the most important Jewish LGBT organizations across North and South America, Europe and Israel. MDKI was founded on 1 July 2015 to promote the full equality of LGBT people throughout Jewish communities and beyond and is based on the Jewish principle of Tikkun Olam: the pledge to correct injustice as far as is humanly possible. Working mainly with young people for over 40 years in Europe, North and South America and Israel, the organization helps people in the process of personal emancipation and letting them know that they can be both good Jews as well as LGBT people.
Naga is a non-religious volunteer association with no political affiliations, established in Milan in 1987 with the goal of promoting and protecting the rights of all foreign, Roma and Sinti citizens. Naga recognizes the right to health as an unalienable right of the individual.
Visit the official site: www.naga.it
On the Road has been working since 1994 to protect the human and civil rights of women, men and children, focusing on the individuals, as well as on empowerment and social inclusion. The organisation fights against discrimination, exploitation and inequalities that cause exclusion. It works in the regions Marche, Abruzzo and Molise, in particular in the following areas: Trafficking and Exploitation, Migrants’ Reception, Gender Violence, Extreme Poverty, Training and Work, Mental Health, International Cooperation.
The website: http://www.ontheroadonlus.it/
Founded in 1992, the association works to protect the rights of low-income social groups and to support local development initiatives. It provides information and consulting services for immigrant citizens, low-income suburban residents, workers, the disabled and unemployed citizens. It is also involved in issues of asylum regulations.
Visit the official site: www.progettodiritti.it
The Lenford Network – Legal professionals for LGBTI is a network created in 2007 with the aim of developing and spreading a culture of respect for the rights of LGBTI (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex) people. The association promotes the study and the knowledge of issues relating to sexual orientation and gender identity among all legal professionals, encouraging diversity.
Visit the official site: www.retelenford.it
The association aims to build a movement of citizens that can influence opinions through common sense in order to create a more sympathetic, non-authoritarian society. Its objectives are to research, study and create awareness on the issues of criminal law, rights and punishment.
Visit the official site: www.societadellaragione.it
24marzo Onlus (24March) is inspired by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which recognises equal dignity to all members of the human family and their rights – equal and inalienable – which are the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. This association aims to promote respect for fundamental human rights, dignity and the intrinsic worth of the person, including through judicial protection, and encourages social progress and a better standard of living in a context of the freedom of communities.
Their website is http://www.24marzo.it/
L’Unione Forense per la Tutela dei Diritti Umani is an association of lawyers founded on 2 March 1968, with the aim of ‘disseminating knowledge of domestic and international standards concerning the protection of human rights and promoting their concrete and effective observance in judicial, extrajudicial, administrative and legislative proceedings’ (Art. 2 of the Statute).
The website: https://www.unionedirittiumani.it/
Established in 2014 by a group of talented Sicilian youth, Zabbara aims to invert the trend of cultural, economic and social impoverishment in Sicily. Zabbara intends to establish solid relations with various regions in order to share experiences and expertise while at the same time creating new opportunities for social cohesion, change and professional growth. In particular, Zabbara intends to work on social communication, documentaries, arts, city planning and the promotion of human rights in the Euro-Mediterranean region and the Middle East. The encounter between different languages and realities is aimed at finding sustainable practices to help tackle the issues affecting the region, with Sicily as a testing ground for Mediterranean reconciliation.
Visit the official site: www.zabbara.org
CILD is supported by Oak Foundation, Banca Etica, Social Change Initiative, Civitates, Open Society Foundations, Fred Foundation and individual donations. Since 2018, CILD has been part of different consortia that won calls for funding of the European Commission. The Coalition is part of several research projects and international think-tanks.